Sustainability Good Governance

Introduction to Sustainability

Sustainability – It means the ability to maintain achievements and grow to reach a higher level of performance.

Vision of the Sustainability Group

To provide satisfaction and realize sustainable development for stakeholders with goals of well-being, environment, social, and economic progress continuously.

Mission of the Sustainability Group

  • To empower sustainable development across all business sectors of the company.
  • To improve the well-being of employees and stakeholders by emphasizing safety and health aspects.


Five (5) Elements of Sustainability

1. Social

In an organization, stakeholders are among the most important groups. Every action taken must be viewed in terms of its positive and negative impacts on stakeholders. Stakeholders include employees, participants, customers, buyers, and the local community.

2.  Environment

As a conglomerate operating in the plantation industry, every decision and action taken must consider its impact on the environment. This includes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, controlling the use of natural resources and chemicals, and preserving and conserving the environment.

3. Profit

The production of high-quality products with strong international demand helps the organization achieve higher profits, ensuring the business’s sustainability for the future.

4. Partnership

Implementing agendas through strong global partnerships.

5. Peace

Fostering a fair and inclusive society that is peaceful.